Below is a glossary article post in the category P which discusses the explanation of the meaning, definition and meaning of the acronym, term, jargon, or termonology of Provoke Era based on summaries from various types of sources (references) that are relevant, related, and trustworthy.
Understanding Provoke Era
So, what is actually meant by Provoke Era?
Provoke is a Japanese magazine that rejects a shiny commercial image and documentary photography style. The fishing era refers to its influence on photography made in Japan after the departure.
Explanation of Provoke Era
Following the thinning and rebuilding of Japanese society after the second world war, photography plays an important role in the new definition of Japanese visual style, which is separated from Western influence.
Provoke is a magazine with only three problems in the late 1960s, but the influence continued until the 1970s and 80s. It distinguishes itself from the photo journalistic style that day, looking for a more subjective voice and validation of the person behind the camera. These images are often rough and irregular, reflecting the social and political upheaval that occurs throughout the country. This is also limited to the shiny image of commercial magazines.
Takuma Nakahara and Yutaka Takanashi became a group member who provoked. Daido Moriyama joined a little later, bringing along with the initial influence of Cartier-Bresson, but with the desire to be a witness with a more expressive intention.
Moreover, as we have seen above, this term is one of a collection of dictionaries, acronyms, terms, jargon, or terminology in the field of arts that begins with an alphabet or prefix P, as well as terms associated with P.
Meaning of Provoke Era in the English, Indonesian (Including Javanese and Sundanese), and Malaysian Translation Dictionary
Apart from discussing the meaning and discussion of the definition, to deepen it further, here we also need to know what the word means in the English, Indonesian (including Javanese and Sundanese) translation dictionaries, as well as Malaysia (Malay).
For easy understanding, in this glossary post, we will explain it in the form of a list of translations of terms from various types of languages as follows:
- English; Terminology = Provoke Era.
- Indonesian (including Javanese and Sundanese translations); Terminology = Memprovokasi era (Indonesian), Provoke Era (Java), and Provoke era in Sundanese.
- Malaysian; Terminology = Mencetuskan era.
OK, above there is the discussion and explanation of what is the meaning of Provoke Era.
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This glossary post was created by referring to the conclusions of the meaning of definitions from various authoritative relevant references such as Wikipedia, Britannica and several other sources such as MoMA, Tate, ModernArts, and so on. This word is one of a collection of terminology in the field of Art which begins with the alphabet or prefix P. This article wasupdated in Jan of 2025.
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