Below is a glossary article post in the category F which discusses the explanation of the meaning, definition and meaning of the acronym, term, jargon, or termonology of Fauvism based on summaries from various types of sources (references) that are relevant, related, and trustworthy.
Understanding Fauvism
So, what is actually meant by Fauvism?
Fauvism is a name that is applied to works produced by a group of artists (including Henri Matisse and André Derain) from around 1905 to 1910, which is marked by strong colors and strokes of fierce brushes.
Explanation of Fauvism
The name Les Fauves (‘The Wild Beasts’) was created by critic Louis Vauxcelles when he saw the work of Henri Matisse and André Derain in an exhibition, d’nitute salon in Paris, in 1905. The paintings The heat spent working together in Collioure in southern France and made using bold and non-naturalistic colors (often applied directly from the tube), and apply loose paint. The forms of subjects are also simplified to make their work look quite abstract.
The same -minded artists related to Fauvism including Georges Braque, Raoul Dufy, Georges Rouault, and Maurice de Vlaminck.
Fauvism and color theory
The fauvists were interested in the scientific color theory developed in the 19th century – especially those related to complementary colors. Complementary colors are color pairs appear across each other on scientific models such as color wheels, and when used side by side in paintings make each other look brighter.
What fauvism inspired? (And what happened to him?)
Fauvism can be seen as an extreme extension of post-impressionism van Gogh which is combined with neo-impressionism. The influence of these previous movements inspired Matisse and his followers to reject the traditional three-dimensional space and vice versa use a flat area or color spot to create a new picture space. Fauvism can also be seen as a form of expressionism in the use of brilliant colors and spontaneous brushes. This is often compared to German expressionism, which appears around the same time and is also inspired by post-impressionism developments.
Although one of the first Avant-Garde modernist movements in the twentieth century and one of the first styles that moved towards abstraction, for many artists who adopted the fauvist approach to a transition stepping stone for future development in their style. In 1908 most of the main artists in the group had moved from the expressive emotionalism of Fauvism. New interest in post-impressionist artists Paul Cézanne and the analytical approach he took to paint landscapes, people and objects inspired many artists to embrace order and structure instead. One -Time Fauvist Georges Braque then developed cubism together with Pablo Picasso while one of the founders of Fauvism André Derain adopted a more conventional neoclassical style. But Henri Matisse continues to use fauvist properties that are typical of bright emotional colors, simple shapes and making signs that paint throughout his career.
Moreover, as we have seen above, this term is one of a collection of dictionaries, acronyms, terms, jargon, or terminology in the field of arts that begins with an alphabet or prefix F, as well as terms associated with F.
Meaning of Fauvism in the English, Indonesian (Including Javanese and Sundanese), and Malaysian Translation Dictionary
Apart from discussing the meaning and discussion of the definition, to deepen it further, here we also need to know what the word means in the English, Indonesian (including Javanese and Sundanese) translation dictionaries, as well as Malaysia (Malay).
For easy understanding, in this glossary post, we will explain it in the form of a list of translations of terms from various types of languages as follows:
- English; Terminology = Fauvism.
- Indonesian (including Javanese and Sundanese translations); Terminology = Fauvisme (Indonesian), Fauvism (Java), and Fauvism in Sundanese.
- Malaysian; Terminology = Fauvisme.
OK, above there is the discussion and explanation of what is the meaning of Fauvism.
Hopefully this article post that we have shared can be useful and can broaden our insight and literacy, especially in Art.
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This glossary post was created by referring to the conclusions of the meaning of definitions from various authoritative relevant references such as Wikipedia, Britannica and several other sources such as MoMA, Tate, ModernArts, and so on. This word is one of a collection of terminology in the field of Art which begins with the alphabet or prefix F. This article wasupdated in Jan of 2025.
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